Surest Security

It's central to everything we do.

Privacy and security are critical components of Surest. Our commitment to these two elements is woven throughout our digital experience and serves as the central pillar of our business practices. Surest is HITRUST-certified (Health Information Trust Alliance) and follows HITRUST’s Common Security Framework (CSF) to ensure the protection of client, member and organizational information and assets.

Surest obtained its HITRUST Validated Assessment certification effective October 4, 2018.

Information Protection

Protecting the security, integrity and confidentiality of personally identifiable information is of critical importance at Surest. We ensure this protection through a comprehensive set of policies, procedures and practices that defend information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction.

Compliant Risk Management

Surest follows the health care compliance framework called the HITRUST Common Security Framework (CSF). In HITRUST’s own words, the CSF is a certifiable framework that provides organizations with a comprehensive, flexible and efficient approach to regulatory compliance and risk management. Developed in collaboration with health care and information security professionals, the HITRUST CSF rationalizes health care-relevant regulations and standards into a single overarching security framework—the one Surest adheres to.

Unified Security Controls

The HITRUST CSF is designed to unify security controls from federal law, such as HIPAA, state law and non-governmental frameworks into a single framework tailored for the health care industry. Since the CSF is continuously updated and improved, it has become the most widely-adopted security framework in the U.S. health care industry.

Security as Culture

Privacy and security training at Surest is a Day One and onward practice. Training, education and cyber security and ePHI awareness and stewardship and best practices begin the day employees join Surest and continue through their tenure. Our continual security awareness training keeps Surest employees aware of their responsibilities regarding privacy and security of information as well as applicable sanctions/corrective disciplinary actions should the auditing process detect a Surest employee’s failure to comply with organizational policies. The human firewall is a critical component to privacy and security success, and Surest makes the time and resource investment to optimize its strength.

Want more details?

We can provide them. Ask to see our detailed Privacy and Security White Paper. Or, reach out if you’re interested in talking with our security team. We’re happy to provide you with the information you need.