The Surest plan improves health care access and utilization for women members
Unlocking access: How the Surest health plan empowers women’s health
The Surest plan is good for women’s health! Data shows the plan increases health care access and utilization for women’s members.

Women with the Surest plan use telemedicine to get services from health care providers online.
With the Surest plan, women had:
More virtual care visits than a competition group
More virtual care visits and 2.3 times more telehealth visits than men
Women on the Surest plan also had:
And mammogram screenings were slightly higher for female Surest Members.

More women scheduled wellness visits and screenings for themselves.

Women made different care choices than those on conventional plans.
Women with the Surest plan had lower emergency room visits, fewer urgent care visits, and fewer surgeries.
Women on the Surest plan vs. Comparison group:
The maternity benefit yields results.
Women who have a baby on the Surest plan can save money:
lower out-of-pocket expenses for maternity delivery care compared to a large market book of business

They’re taking advantage of the prenatal care benefit.
Almost 100%
of births on the Surest plan had claims evidence of receiving prenatal care
How the maternity benefit works:
- Members can shop for care, with lower prices an indication of providers evaluated as high value
- They see one price for routine maternity and delivery care, including prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum care and receive one bill
- They can plan ahead and budget expenses
Because of this price visibility, more expectant parents are choosing the Surest plan.
Surest attracts members planning to have babies. The Surest ASO book of business had 20% more births in 2022 compared to a large market book of business

Surest is moving the needle for behavioral health care.
Women on the Surest plan also experience a better benefit for behavioral health needs. The plan design encourages members to seek behavioral health care, and women on the plan are taking advantage of it.
The Surest plan’s lower out-of-pocket costs for behavioral health care increase affordability and therefore accessibility for members.
Women plan members paid only $20 per counseling
visit—50% less than the comparison group
More women are putting their needs first and reaching out for help.
Behavioral health diagnoses per 1,000 female members Women are shopping for care options and saving money
Access. Prevention. Wellness. Surest helps support women in their care journeys.
From having babies to preventive screenings, mental health support to wellness visits, the Surest plan empowers women to take care of their health.

See more client and member success stories.
1. Adult women on Surest had 2.0 primary care visits per member in 2023 compared to 1.4 for a large market national health insurance company.
2. Surest claims database and a large market national health insurance company claims database incurred Jan 2023–December 2023 paid through January 2024.
3. Members who joined Surest within one month of delivery were excluded due to lack of prenatal care claims.
4. Surest ASO book of business 2022 compared to a non-Surest 2022 commercial norm.