Surest plan performance for members with type 2 diabetes.
Through our innovative plan design and campaigns, including the diabetes reversal program, we help educate members with type 2 diabetes. We also offer support to members through our Clinical Advocacy team and Surest Member Services.
Diabetes costs in the U.S. add up to over $412.9 billion per year1
The Surest plan offers a promising approach that cuts medication costs while improving health outcomes, helping members manage their condition more effectively. How? By providing upfront cost and coverage options and a different approach to treatment.

Effective, informed, proactive diabetes management.
Informed members choose differently, contributing to a reduction in spending.
reduction in Rx and medical spending2
decrease in medical spend for members who moved from early to stable diabetes showing that members are managing their diabetes without the need for costly treatments2
The decrease in spending reflects a focus on preventive care, leading to long-term health benefits.
Effective early management and preventive care also reduce the need for costly interventions , lowering risk and costs.3

Enhanced well-being + more efficient use of resources = reduced health costs and improved health outcomes.
See more client and member success stories.
2Study comparing the financial outcomes for Surest members from their first year following an initial type 2 diabetes-related claim to their second year. All members in the study had at least six months without any diabetes-related claims preceding the first diabetes-related claim, and 24 months of continuous coverage after the first diabetes-related claim. Members were sampled from 2020 to 2023 coverage months. B2B_24-AI-892757_0724
3Study comparing Surest financial and utilization outcomes for members identified as type 2 diabetics to a matched control group composed of non-Surest, type 2 diabetic members from the same employers, using the same network. Members were matched on age, gender, geography, and chronic conditions. B2B_24-AI-892757_0724