The Surest guide to prostate cancer

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Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in American men, according to The American Cancer Society. About one out of every eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime.

Prostate screening

A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test measures the amount of PSA in your blood. PSA is released by a man’s prostate gland into his blood. A high PSA level may mean that you have an enlargement, infection or cancer of the prostate. A PSA level within the normal ranges does not mean that prostate cancer is not present. High levels don't always mean that prostate cancer is present.

Helpful general information

Many cancer-related procedures occur in a variety of settings, such as a doctor's office or outpatient center. Your cost for a procedure may depend on the way your doctor's team bills for the service. Keep in mind that sometimes what seems like an office visit may actually be considered “outpatient.” Ask your doctor's team how they will send the claim to Surest to understand your price for the procedure.

Surest is here to help.

A prostate cancer diagnosis can feel overwhelming. The Surest clinical team can help you understand your treatment choices and coordinate your care. We can also help you navigate coverage and cost for your cancer care.

If you’re a Surest member with questions about cancer, reach out to us. The Surest clinical team is here and ready to talk. We will contact you directly.

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Prostate cancer information

What types of doctors might I see for prostate cancer?

Several types of doctors and clinical professionals may be involved in your care. The doctors you see will be specialists in your diagnosis and may include:

Search the Surest app for a specialty or by a doctor's name to view the price of an office visit. You can share this information with your primary care doctor or oncologist to help guide you to quality, affordable specialists.

Can I get help making decisions about my prostate cancer treatments?

With an increasing number of cancer treatments available, it's normal to feel uncertain about your treatment plan or what is ahead of you. Surest can help. We have a clinical team available to help you navigate important decisions.

We can also help you find other doctors who specialize in your diagnosis. This is called a second opinion. Don't worry about offending your doctor. You are taking an active role in learning more about your condition. Most doctors expect and encourage second opinions. The Surest team is here for you.

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What types of tests might I need for prostate cancer?

Testing will usually be done to help diagnose and stage the cancer. Types of testing include the following:

Laboratory tests: Urine and blood tests

Laboratory tests: Genetic testing

Imaging tests

Imaging tests are used to look for cancer, find out how far it has spread, and to see if treatment is working. The prices for the tests below are based on where you choose to have the imaging test done. Search the Surest app for the test to compare and identify lower-cost options. Ask your doctor to send your imaging test orders to the place you choose.

The price for an in-network X-ray or transrectal ultrasound is $0 to you unless:

Prostate biopsy

Core needle biopsy is the most common type of prostate biopsy. It is usually done by a urologist in the doctor’s office. The result of the biopsy will tell you if cancer is present and how fast it is likely to spread.

The biopsy will help determine if you have cancer and if so, the risk of the cancer spreading. For help understanding treatment options, review the resource for prostate cancer, low risk or prostate cancer, high risk. For help understanding treatment options review these resources or call the Surest clinical team and then talk with your doctor. The cost to you depends on whether the biopsy is considered outpatient or a doctor's office visit. Ask your doctor's team if the biopsy is considered an office visit or outpatient procedure. Search for the name of the biopsy on the Surest app to see the price.

What are common prostate cancer treatments?

Active surveillance

This treatment includes regular doctor visits, testing and imaging. Find the costs on the Surest app under the name of each service.


The most common surgery for prostate cancer is called a radical prostatectomy. In this operation, the entire prostate is removed. Typically, you will stay in the hospital overnight after the surgery. If you need surgery, your in-network price will depend on the following:

You will find the cost of most surgeries by searching for the name of the surgery on the Surest app. You can compare prices between providers and locations. If your Surest plan requires activation of coverage for certain surgeries, you will not need to activate coverage if the surgery is to treat cancer. Please call Surest Member Services to make sure you have a clear understanding of this policy.

Most surgeries will require a pre-operative physical. This physical is usually done by your family doctor and the cost to you will be the price of the doctor’s office visit. This can be found on the Surest app under the doctor’s name.

Radiation treatment

Radiation therapy uses high-energy particles or waves to destroy or damage cancer cells. The most common types of radiation therapy for prostate cancer are:

Your in-network price for radiation therapy can be found on the Surest app by searching for the type of radiation therapy. There is typically a cost for each radiation visit. Some types of radiation therapy may need authorization. Your doctor will initiate this process.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment medicines may be used alone or in combination and can be given by infusion, injection or as pills. Types of drug treatments include:

The cost for the treatment will depend on the type of drug and where you receive it. Call Member Services for specific information about your costs. Drugs may need authorization. Your doctor will initiate this process.

What other services might help during prostate cancer?


A dietitian visit can be helpful if you have problems related to food and digestion. This can be because of the cancer, or as a result of treatment. The price for this service will depend on the dietitian you see. Look on the Surest app for prices.

Home care

Home care (home health care) services are usually provided through a home health agency. They may offer different types of home care services using nurses, therapists, social workers, home care aides and medical equipment.


Acupuncture applies needles, heat, pressure and other treatments to specific places on the skin, called acupoints. This can help control symptoms such as pain, fatigue, nausea or vomiting. The price for an acupuncture visit can be found on the Surest app by searching “acupuncture” or a provider name.

Palliative care

Palliative care can improve quality of life if you have a serious or life-threatening disease, such as cancer. Palliative care addresses symptoms and side effects of the disease and treatment, as well as any related psychological, social or spiritual problems. To find the price for palliative care on the Surest app, search “palliative care.” Palliative care does not include respite care or hospice services. Contact the Surest clinical team for help accessing those services.

Support for stress, anxiety and uncertainty

A cancer diagnosis often affects the emotional health of patients, families and caregivers. You are not alone. One in three people with cancer experience mental or emotional distress.

Resources you may find helpful

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This content is not medical advice. You should always consult with your health care professional.

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