The Surest guide to maternity

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Surest, babies, and you

You have so much to think about as your baby’s arrival nears — the last thing you should have to worry about is your insurance coverage. Surest offers comprehensive maternity coverage, including prenatal, delivery, and postpartum care.

Use this resource to better understand your maternity coverage on the Surest plan.

If you’re a Surest member with questions about maternity, reach out to us. The Surest clinical team is here and ready to talk. We will contact you directly.

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Choose your delivery location

Coverage for maternity and delivery care is probably a little different than other health plans. It’s important to choose where you’d like to deliver first, because the copay for maternity and delivery also includes typical prenatal care. Use Surest tools to find delivery locations from within the broad, national UnitedHealthcare network. Lower prices typically indicate higher-value options, based on quality, efficiency, and overall effectiveness of care.

  1. Start by searching “maternity delivery care” in the Surest app or website, then “find providers” to compare care options in your area.
  2. Call the facilities—hospitals and/or birthing centers—and ask how their delivery prices align with your desired birthing experience. Ask if you can take a tour. If you’re researching hospitals, ask about induction and C-section policies. Research shows that when these are done without a medical reason, the risk of complications increases.
  3. Once you’ve selected where you’d like to deliver, search for an in-network OB/GYN or certified nurse midwife who delivers at that location. Call to see if their practice policies align with your preferences for care.
  4. Make an appointment with your chosen provider to begin prenatal care.

Maternity care and delivery coverage

The maternity delivery care copay includes these in-network services:

If you go to the hospital during pregnancy and are discharged home without delivering the baby, the copay for the applicable service, such as emergency room, observation stay, or inpatient stay, will apply. If you deliver the baby during that hospitalization, the maternity delivery copay applies.

These in-network services are $0 copay

Breast pump coverage

Surest coverage for one breast pump is $0 cost per pregnancy. To obtain a breast pump covered by the Surest plan:

Here are a few national suppliers:

Provide your Surest member ID and the prescription to the DME supplier and choose the breast pump you’d like from their list. Some DME suppliers will also offer an “upgraded” list. If you choose a pump from that list, the DME supplier will tell you the cost you’ll need to pay.

These in-network labs and services are $0 copay with in-network provider


Other services

Copays apply for these services

For prices, search the Surest app or website. Some may require prior authorization.

Birthing classes

When it comes to birthing classes, there’s a wide variety. If your hospital or birthing center doesn’t offer classes, the Surest clinical team can help you find a class. Birthing classes are not covered as part of your medical benefit.

Once your baby is born, be sure to notify your employer if you plan to add your little one to your Surest coverage.

We’re here for you—and your baby

Our team is here to help you during this important time. For cost or coverage questions, call our Member Services team at the number on the back of your Surest member ID card. If you think your pregnancy may be high-risk, or you’d like additional help with support or resources, request to speak with a clinical advocate. Our clinical team is here and ready to talk. We will contact you directly.

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Healthwise tools to support common pregnancy questions.

For helpful information about pregnancy trimesters, managing morning sickness, and what to expect at prenatal appointments, visit the Healthwise library.

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This content is not medical advice. You should always consult with your health care professional.

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