The Surest guide to basal and squamous cell skin cancer

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Skin cancers are by far the most common of all types of cancer. Most skin cancers are basal or squamous cell carcinomas. About 5.4 million basal and squamous cell skin cancers are diagnosed each year in the United States according to the American Cancer Society. Melanomas are a different type of cancer that are more likely to spread.

Helpful general information

Cancer-related procedures occur in a variety of settings such as a doctor's office, outpatient center, ambulatory surgery center or inpatient hospital. Ask your doctor's office how your procedure will be billed. Your cost for the procedure will depend on how your doctor's office bills for the service.

Surest is here to help.

A skin cancer diagnosis can feel overwhelming. The Surest clinical team can help you understand your treatment choices and coordinate your care. We can also help you navigate coverage and cost for your cancer care.

If you’re a Surest member with questions about cancer, reach out to us. The Surest clinical team is here and ready to talk. We will contact you directly.

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Basal and squamous cell skin cancer information

What types of doctors might I see for skin cancer?

Most basal cell and squamous cell cancers are treated by dermatologists. If the cancer is advanced, a medical oncologist and radiation oncologist may also be involved.

Search the Surest app or website for a specialty or by a doctor's name to view the price of a doctor's office visit. You can share this information with your primary care doctor or oncologist to help guide you to quality, affordable specialists.

Can I get help making decisions about my skin cancer treatments?

With an increasing number of cancer treatments available, it's normal to feel uncertain about your treatment plan or what is ahead of you. Surest can help. We have a clinical team available to help you navigate important decisions.

We can also help you find other doctors who specialize in your diagnosis. This is called a second opinion. Don't worry about offending your doctor. You are taking an active role in learning more about your condition. Most doctors expect and encourage second opinions. The Surest team is here for you.

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What types of tests might I need for skin cancer?

Skin biopsy

Testing for basal and squamous cell skin cancers is commonly done with a biopsy.

A skin biopsy may be performed in these different ways:

The cost for a biopsy depends on the type of biopsy and where it is performed. Many skin biopsies are done in the doctor's office. Ask your doctor's team if the biopsy will be considered a doctor's visit or an outpatient procedure. This will determine your cost. Search "skin biopsy" on the Surest app, choose the treatment and compare prices between providers and locations.

It isn't common for a basal or squamous cell cancer to spread beyond the skin. A lymph node biopsy may be done if nearby lymph nodes look or feel suspicious to your doctor. An MRI or CT may be done if your doctor suspects the cancer has spread beyond the skin. Your cost for an MRI or CT depends on the location you choose. Search the Surest app for the test to compare and identify lower-cost options. Ask your doctor to send your imaging test orders to the place you choose.

What are common basal and squamous cell cancer treatments?


Types of surgery may include:

Surgery is used to prevent, diagnose, stage and treat cancer. Surgery can also relieve discomfort or problems related to cancer. If you need surgery, your in-network price will depend on the following:

You will find the cost of most surgeries by searching for the name of the surgery on the Surest app. You can compare prices between providers and locations. Share price information with your doctor to help decide where to have surgery. Many doctors practice at multiple locations, so ask your doctor about location choices.

If your Surest plan requires activation of coverage for certain surgeries, you will not need to activate coverage if the surgery is to treat cancer. Please call Member Services at the number on the back of your Surest member ID card to make sure you have a clear understanding of this policy.

Most surgeries will require a pre-operative physical. This physical is usually done by your family doctor and the cost to you will be the price of the doctor’s office visit. This can be found on the Surest app under the doctor’s name.

Other treatments

Other treatments that may be used to treat basal and squamous cell skin cancers include the following:

The price for these treatments depends on where it is performed. Search for the name of the therapy on the Surest app. Topical chemotherapy is a medicine that you will apply daily. Your cost for this treatment will be found either on the Surest app by searching for the name of the medicine, or on your pharmacy benefit site.

Less common treatments

Most basal and squamous cell skin cancers do not extend past the skin. If the cancer does spread, some treatments could include:

The cost for these treatments will depend on the type of treatment and where the service is performed. Search the Surest app for the name of the medicine or type of radiation to see prices in advance. These treatments may need authorization. Your doctor will initiate this process.

Resources you may find helpful:

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This content is not medical advice. You should always consult with your health care professional.

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